Sunday, March 18, 2007


When Corban asked me to show him my muscles the other day, I obliged gladly, for I have been using Miss Holly's workout program of stick-em-in-wherever-you-can pushups.

"Wow!" he shouted, showing me his skinny little arms. "They're bigger than mine!"
(He did not notice that what hangs beneath my arm is larger than what is above, and I wasn't gonna point that out!)

So later that day, Kevin figured out how to fix something using his head, and when Corban exclaimed over Daddy's genius, Kevin said, "Well, I just used my brains instead of my brawn!"

"What's brawn?" Corban wanted to know.

Kevin told him it was another word for muscles, and to this Corban jumped to his feet and said, "Mama has HUGE brawns!"